no. 18 — Bury Me At Makeout Creek by Mitski
What is there to say about Mitski that isn’t already in the hearts and minds of her listeners? She’s a fucking genius. I feel like she’s a goddess, and I’m sorry for literally deifying her but how can you not?? Especially now that she’s disappeared off the internet, it feels like she swooped into the world, shook it up with her music, and then dissipated into the clouds, leaving us to try and process it alone.
I was introduced to Mitski’s music by my friends Morgan and Ryan. I distinctly remember them saying, “if you want to cry you should definitely listen to Mitski.” They were right! It didn’t hit me all at once how fantastic she is. I listened to her music and liked it, but I didn’t become a True Fan until I saw her live. I piled a ton of friends in my car and drove an hour and a half to see her play a free show at College Park in 2016. It was some random radio festival event and there were insanely few people there. My friends and I were up at the front[1]. The whole crowd was dead silent. I didn’t take my phone out to film any of it. There were no flashes from cameras. It felt like a group meditation[2]. Once I saw her in person, I understood the hold she had over so many people.
I could write a million different essays on Mitski’s performances, her albums, her narrative storytelling through impeccable lyricism, and her disappearance/banishment from social media platforms. Mitski is a national treasure. I love the way she puts together her songs so thoughtfully- always making sure that she can play them regardless of what instruments are available, just in case there’s a sound or amp failure that leaves something unusable. I love that she went to school for music, layering her songs with meaning that I, a mere mortal, don’t understand until I look it up[3]. Her performances, especially on her Be The Cowboy tour, are intricate, professional, and almost painfully well thought out. She’s a master at her craft.
Bury Me At Makeout Creek was the first Mitski album I listened to, but I love every single one of her albums. There’s never a Mitski song that I skip, unless I’m feeling too vulnerable to listen at that moment and don’t have the time to cry. She doesn’t post on social media anymore, but she did just announce a new project that I cannot wait to become obsessed with. Mitski fucking rules.
Listen to her music here
[1] My mom raised me on the phrase “rail or fail” meaning I am almost always at the front. Sometimes to the detriment of my loved ones! The most annoyed I’ve ever gotten with my partner was at a Mitski show when he didn’t feel like standing at the front and wanted to sit down. I could not (and did not) abide that. We stood, and he conceded that I was right.
[2] After the show I tweeted “I saw Mitski l ive and it felt like I spent the last two hours meditating” and she LIKED IT
[3] In “Your Best American Girl” the song structure is a classic American rock song style, hammering the meaning of the song in even harder.